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Eastern Acupuncture Natural Therapy Auricular Medicine Center offers various acupuncture treatment service
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We Are The Expert On Chinese Acupuncture Auricular Medicine Therapy, The Holistic Complementary Functional Integrative Alternative Eastern Medicine With Natural Inner Source To Heal Your Body

Visit Our Acupuncture Community Clinic In 2104 Chapel Hill Rd Birmingham, Al 35216

Phone Numbers: (205)-527-4202

Only By Appointment Please

acupuncture auricular medicine therapy blog

Acupuncture Treatment Services

Acupuncture treatment services


Auricular Medicine Center offers different type of Acupuncture treatment services as following, but we can do a lot more to help you releasing your pain, your happiness of pain free just a phone call away.


  • Chronicle Ache Treatment

    Fibromyositis of shoulder and back, mid back pain, sciatic neuralgia, gout, history of injuries, tennis or golf elbow, tingling, arthritis, periarthritis shoulder, cramps.

  • Disturbed Nerve Function Treatment

    Neurasthenia insomnia, depression treatment, nerve system, numbness, migraine, anxiety, fatigue, psychoneurosis, facial paralysis, disturbed function of autonomic nerve, stroke paralysis.

  • Allergic Diseases Treatment

    Pollen hypersensitivity, Seasonal Allergies, nasal symptom allergies.

  • Internal Diseases Treatment

    Asthma, bronchitis, chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, consternation, hemorrhoid, diarrhea, chronic cholecystitis.

  • Gynecopathy Treatment

    Menstrual disorder, genital itch, Vaginitis, fungus, infection, menopause, adnexitis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, pelvic inflammation diseases.

  • Dermatology Treatment

    Chloasma, shingles, alopecia.

  • Andrology Treatment

    Prostatitis, hypertrophy of prostate,impotence, urosis.

  • Chinese Cupping Service

    Cupping therapy is an Chinese alternative medicine where using a small glass cup with heat created by fire to generate a suction in the surface of the skin which could mobilize the blood flow movement to promote different type of pain and self healing.

  • Chinese Acupressure Service

    Chinese Acupressure is an alternative ancient healing medicine which using a set of standard finger massage movement on human body healing points, the purpose of the acupressure practice is to stimulate the body's natural self healing abilities.

  • Chinese Moxibustion Service

    Moxibustion is a Alternative traditional Chinese medicine therapy using Moxa made from dried Mugwort.

  • Chinese Gua Sha Service

    Gua Sha means scraping bruises on the skin, it is a alternative traditional Chinese medicine treatment in which the skin is scraped to produce light bruising.

  • Chinese Reflexology Service

    Reflexology is focusing special type of massage movement on the areas of the feet that practitioners believe correspond with organs in different part the body to diagnosis and promote healing.

  • Chinese Herbs

    Chinese Herbs is the eastern alternative traditional theory of Chinese herbal therapy, which is a part of nutritional treatments consisted in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM).