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Eastern Acupuncture Natural Therapy Buy Auricular Medicine Tools - Eastern Acupuncture Natural Therapy
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We Are The Expert On Chinese Acupuncture Auricular Medicine Therapy, The Holistic Complementary Functional Integrative Alternative Eastern Medicine With Natural Inner Source To Heal Your Body

Visit Our Acupuncture Community Clinic In 2104 Chapel Hill Rd Birmingham, Al 35216

Phone Numbers: (205)-527-4202

Only By Appointment Please

acupuncture auricular medicine therapy blog

Buy Auricular Medicine Tools

Auricular medicine tools, equipment, ear points finder device, ear points chart and other Auricular therapy accessories


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Auricular Point Finder Device (large)

Auricular Point Finder Device

Product Description:

This Ear-Acupoint Diagnosis & Treatment Machine is designed for the Auricular Electrical Diagnosis and treatment through auricular acupuncture point. With the patient holding one probe and the operator operating the other probe on the auricle, the signals can be detected, which is measured as the loudness of the noise. The information gathered by this machine can be used to analyze the condition of the patient.

This is the equipment that all Auricular Medicine practitioners should have.

  Item Price: $179.00

Auricular Point Finder Device (small)

Auricular Point Finder Device

Product Description:

This Ear-Acupoint Diagnosis Machine is designed for the Auricular Electrical Diagnosis. With the patient holding one probe and the operator operating the other probe on the auricle, the signals can be detected, which is measured as the loudness of the noise. The information gathered by this machine can be used to analyze the condition of the patient.

This is the equipment that all Auricular Medicine practitioners should have.

  Item Price: $100.00

Auricular Treatment Adhesive Tape Board

Auricular Treatment Adhesive Tape Board

Product Description:

Large Board (9” X 5.6”) $40.00 each

Small Board (4.5” X 5.6”) $25.00 each

These plastic boards specially made for Auricular Treatment. Many small holes are inserted in the board to hold the seed. Lines are built in to help cutting the tape into small patches.

  Item Price(large): $40.00

  Item Price(small): $25.00

Auricular Treatment Roll Tape

Auricular Treatment Roll Tape

Product Description:

This Treatment Roll Tape is used to make the patch. Its quality is guaranteed.

  Item Price: $25.00

Auricular Seed Therapy for Adhesive Board

Auricular Seed Therapy for Adhesive Board

Product Description:

This kind of plant seed is made in China. It is solid and round and also water-resisting. It is the best natural seed that can be used in Auricular Seed Therapy. 0.1lbs per bag.

  Item Price: $18.00

Auricular Medicine Tweezers

Auricular Medicine Tweezers

Product Description:

We also have size 4" tweezers available. This is the equipment that you should have while you are giving the Auricular Treatment with seed adhesive treatment board.

  Item Price: $15.00

Auricular Ear Color Poster Frontal Ear(20"x25")

Auricular Ear Color Poster Frontal Ear

Product Description:

This ear chart shows all the frontal Auricular Points of both ears. It can be used as a wall map.

  Item Price: $30.00

Auricular Ear Color Poster Ear Posterior(20"x25")

Auricular Ear Color Poster Ear Posterior

Product Description:

This chart shows all the Auricular Points on the posterior of both ears. It can be used as a reference map during the diagnosis and treatment.

  Item Price: $30.00

Auricular Ear Color Chart Left Ear(11"x8.5")

Auricular Ear Color Chart Left Ear

Product Description:

This two-sided chart includes all the important Auricular Points of the left ear, including frontal and posterior.

  Item Price: $17.00

Auricular Ear Color Chart Right Ear(11"x8.5")

Auricular Ear Color Chart right Ear

Product Description:

This chart includes frontal Auricular Points of right ear in one side and shows the posterior points on the other side. It is a small chart that is easy to carry and use.

  Item Price: $17.00